Monday, December 7, 2015

Why changing your profile picture and hashtags matter...

I recently have seen people saying that changing your profile picture or using hashtags like "#prayforparis" doesn't matter.  I would argue that the world showing solidarity for any event in a positive way does matter. There's a lot of things that it contributes. It gives the person doing it peace, it lets you do something in a situation where you are virtually helpless. It also lets people on the other side of the world know they are not alone in their pain.

On a bigger scale, what it does is allow us to help each other. Whether it was the open door hash tag that Parisians used, or messages of hope and compassion... It's not money, it's not mass policy change but it is something and it matters. Social media is a powerful tool. Hashtags can become movements but even if they don't what is the harm in providing comfort, solidarity and compassion?

I understand wanting to do more. I want to do more. But if we all do what we can, when we can the world will be better. Black Lives Matter started as an online social media movement and has become a national force to be reckoned with. They are making change. So, try again to tell me hashtags and profile pictures don't matter.

This all being said, I'll continue to use hashtags and my words and my online space to help spread messages that are important. I'm also going to make sure my writing reflects the values I want to see in the world.

I'm currently planning out a story about a Syrian refugee. I'm needing to do some more research to understand how to portray the regular views of a Muslim and how their religion affects who they are since I feel it should be a piece in the story even though it's not all there is to it. And to adequately portray it I know that I need a better understanding. I've been searching for someone who would just talk about what Islam means to them and how it shapes their life (I don't want to take my Christian past, especially since I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian religion. That feels like I'm just find and replacing and that's lazy.).

If you know anyone that would give me their opinions let me know! Comments here, @poetsanarachy or kitemry @ gmail

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