Sunday, September 2, 2012


I've made the mistake of watching far too many things from the RNC and the aftermath of it and aside from that all the major foot in mouth situations politicians have found themselves in. And this is more of a rant and expressing of my frustration at the general state of the country and okay, let's face it. I detest Romney and his minions more than words can say. There's not one thing I can find about him that doesn't make me feel sick to my stomach. There's no structure to this. It's not a political essay or research paper. It's just my thoughts put out as they come. Because really, I don't want to give myself an ulcer over this by obsessively thinking about it. I would say politics don't matter but at the end of the day, sadly, they do.

That any party is willing to ignore all news outlets (including fox news) and all these fact checkers that say they're running a dishonest ad is disgusting and it's not what this country stands for. It makes everything Romney says about bringing this country back to what it should be hypocritical. Do I believe in mud slinging campaigning? No. Do I believe that blatant lies should be shoved on millions of people? Hell no. Do they anyway? Of course but once you're caught you should stop instead of having someone in authority of your campaign saying "We won't let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers." I'm sorry but I don't believe any self-respecting American wants someone who so openly admits lying to them about something so frivolous.

If we can't trust Romney to own up to a mistake and a blatant lie how can we trust him as our president? Not to mention Paul Ryan's RNC speech? Can this guy pack any more lies in? It's like anytime he's opening his mouth he's degrading something (most likely women) or he's lying. He's constantly double backing and honestly the things he says about Ayn Rand just make me laugh. How can you read her work and not get the fact that it's screaming with atheistic views? Of all the vile and lying politicians Paul Ryan rubs me the worst at the moment because honestly he can't even be damned to be reasonable in his lies.

I got distracted so let me see where I want to go next. Oh. Yeah. While I don't agree with the extreme liberals on abortion... I do believe in the fundamental right to choose. Should this be regulated? Yes. Should there be a point where it's no longer permissible? Yes. There is nothing more appalling to me then a bunch of old and out of touch men deciding the fate of a woman's right to her own body. I've never been pro-abortion but I am pro-choice. There are too many factors that go into it. There's too many reasons why and I can't pretend that I understand what a woman in the position considering abortion feels or what she feels after or years later. I do have friends that have gone through it and from what I can see years later they don't regret their decision and they know they made the right decision for themselves.

No woman that has went through the trauma of a rape should be forced to live with such a constant reminder for 9 months. I can't imagine how inhumane the psychological torture of that would be and it would be torture. And for the politician Tom Smith to say that "the father has rights" is despicable. No rapist should have any right to a child that was created from his horrific crime. I also fully support a woman's and a couple's choice in the event that they know their child will have no life. Their child will be born a vegetable and only feel pain until it dies at a very young age after depleting all their funds, they'll lose their house. Not every couple wants to make that choice but they should have that choice. A woman should have the choice to decide between her own life and the future life of an unborn fetus. As cold as it may sound, the world is overpopulated and we have far too many children stuck in the system due to mothers and fathers that didn't want them.

Abortion aside, the government certainly has no right to give employers or anyone else the right to deny women the option for birth control. Not only would this increase unwanted pregnancies that would end in abortion but also birth control is medicinal in some cases. I have friends with PCOS (pulmonary cystic ovarian syndrome) who's lives would be constant pain and agony without birth control. They would go a while without periods and then would bleed heavily for months. No man is going to understand the severity of taking away women's choices for their reproductive system.

Another friend wrote that it's sad, her mother lived through all the fighting for women's right and now in her mother's lifetime she's starting to see that all erode away.

Did you know that Paul Ryan was against the law that requires men and women have equal pay for equal work? It feels like with Romney and Ryan I'm no longer in the 21st century. I feel like I'm in the 19th century. There should be no question that women deserve to be paid equally if they are doing the same exact work as men. One thing I think the Romney campaign has done well (aside from lying) is picking a VP that's scarier than Romney and makes him look like a nice person.

One of the things that bothers me most about the RNC is that not one person spoke about bi-partisan compromise, except for Chris Christie. He said that conservatives need to compromise without leaving behind their values. In a democracy we have to compromise. Compromise is how we've brought about the best changes, how we've grown and prospered as a nation.

Oh and Obama and the economy? If you think he hasn't done anything you really need to look at the job growth since he came into office. While the percentage is still too high every single month there has been jobs added. If you look at Bush's last term we lost jobs every single month. If that is not an improvement then call me stupid. There is no overnight fix. The only reason Romney and Ryan's budget "looks" good is because they're cutting medical care for our seniors. The older generations worked their whole life for their medicare benefits and those are promised. According to Romney's proposal those would be gone. It won't work. It shouldn't work.

What Obama has planned takes a little more investment but the long term is going to reap a good result. Should he do a better job at presenting this? Yes. Should he point out the job growth (including manufacturing/construction jobs in the last year)? Yes. Should he work on figuring out a short term plan as well? Yes. Is Obama perfect? No. But he's sure as hell better than Romney and honestly I trust him a hell of a lot more considering I can't trust anything that comes from the Romney and Ryan campaign anymore. To keep running a false ad that they've admitted as false is disgusting and definitely NOT the American way.

This country wasn't built to be a christian nation. It was built for freedom regardless of what your convoluted view on history might be. Sure the majority of those that came over were christian but you know one of the fundamental things they built in our government? That religion should hold no part in it. If Romney becomes president we can kiss that goodbye even more. We already have let bigotry and fear of change rule our country too long. When Santotorum was still in the race he was speaking about why he didn't think gays should be allowed in the military. A statement was read to him and they asked him if he agreed. He said it sounded "exactly right". The statement was from a general in the army years ago that was arguing why African Americans shouldn't be allowed in.

What sticks with me from watching Meet the Press this morning is one Republican basically said that the party has not caught up with the way that the American people have changed. They haven't caught up to the woman being powerful. To Americans not caring so much whether gays can marry or not. They have become a party stuck in the mire of old beliefs that don't hold true or fit the American beat anymore. And as I said, if you're wanting the Christian thing, then you leave the free will. There is not many, if any, religious states in the world that are at peace. I think that's something very important to consider.

There's so much more rambling around my brain but I can't get anymore of it out. Maybe later.

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