Monday, October 7, 2013

Long time, no see

I could give a lot of excuses as to why I fell off the blogging train again. The truth is that I was too unmotivated and depressed over the past few months to even try. I haven't been able to get any interviews even and not having a job has always proven to be the worst thing that could ever happen to my writing. I'm hoping that with the recent interview I had that this is something that will be changing soon. <br><br>

I was working on a submission that was going to be due in July and I had missed the deadline but then I looked at the site I want to sub to and found out that the deadline has been pushed back until december 31. This is exciting and means I have more time to truly put my best foot forward. It's still a story I plan to write in novel length but this way I can give it a happy ending... kind of like a west side story for romeo and juliet. ^^ It makes it easier to stomach the hardships my characters will be going through. <br><br>

As well as determining that I'm going to submit to this anthology I've found about 10 other upcomings on storm moon press that I am interested in subbing to. It's going to take a lot of work but it's time for me to buckle down. I'm thinking of picking 5 of them to use as my nanowrimo... You know, a kind of short story anthology of it's on and then I can get them proofread reworked before I submit them. <br><br>

I just have to buckle down and get to writing regularly again no matter how unmotivated I feel. Giving into this feeling only makes it all worse. I'm better than this! As always I'd appreciate knowing you're in my corner so leave me comments here or email me at kitemry @ gmail or tweet me at @jjangonestar and just ask me how my writing is going! I need the push right now to keep going.

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